Myrtos Beach Cephalonia Cephalonia island

Myrtos Beach Cephalonia

It's incredible to note that according to a survey, 54% of the surveyed visitors of Myrtos Beach consider it to be the most beautiful beach they've ever been to. Do you share their opinion?

Myrtos Beach has been proclaimed as the most beautiful beach in the world, which is something hardly anyone can dispute. This beach is truly stunning, but as the old Latin saying goes: "There's no accounting for tastes." Myrtos Beach might be best compared to a gorgeous dress you can't wear every day, but when you put it on, you feel phenomenal. Similarly, this beautiful beach isn't for everyday use, but you must visit it at least twice.

The first time, you'll be impressed and eager to photograph everything you see, while the second time, you'll truly enjoy this unreal beauty. Some people come here just to take photos and move on, but I sincerely recommend that you stay here all day and enjoy the phenomenal ambiance.


Getting to the beach itself is very easy via a good road, and if you arrive by 10 in the morning (this applies to peak season), you'll be able to find free parking right next to it. So, parents, make sure not to be late so you won't have to park your car on a mountainous road and then have to walk and walk and walk to the beach.


At Myrtos Beach, there's one bar where you can rent sunbeds and order drinks separately. As for sports, there's paragliding, and this pleasure will cost you around 60 euros for one jump. The flight itself takes place above the beach and leaves an incredible impression.

Myrtos is a pebbly beach with large white pebbles, which are also found in the water, and combined with the sun, they create a beautiful light blue color. The sea gets deep right away, so this shore isn't quite suitable for small children who like to play in shallow water. On the far left side (when facing the sea), there's a small cave ideal for a photo session, so don't miss taking a walk to it.

Descriptions and photos of accommodations in Cephalonia can be found HERE.

Accessibility for children: 100/100

Beach rating: 98/100

Parking: Free/Easy to find until 10 am.

Tags: Myrtos beach, Myrtos beach Cephalonia, Myrtos beach photos, Myrtos beach description, Myrtos beach experiences, Myrtos beach parking, Myrtos beach impressions, Myrtos beach information, Is Myrtos the most beautiful beach in Cephalonia, Myrtos the most beautiful beach in the world, when to visit Myrtos beach, Is Myrtos beach overcrowded