Platanitsi Beach Sithonia Sarti, Sithonia

Platanitsi Beach Sithonia

Platanitsi Beach is essentially a copy-paste of Armenistis Beach. They are literally identical in shape, surrounded by pine trees, and interestingly, both beaches have campsites. The main difference lies in the color of the sand and water. At Armenistis Beach, the sand is almost white, giving the sea a turquoise hue, whereas at Platanitsi Beach, the sand is yellowish, resulting in a darker shade of water. These two beaches are only 8.5 kilometres apart.

Nature has been generous in this area, providing three beautiful beaches: Platanitsi Beach, Armenistis Beach and Orange (Portokali) Beach. Platanitsi Beach is only 5 km from Sarti, so many visitors, besides campers, come from this summer resort. An urban legend says that when there are waves at Sarti Beach, there is none at Platanitsi. However, in practice, it's a bit different.

To reach Platanitsi Beach, you need a good co-driver navigator because the sign for this beach is usually hidden in the bushes along the main road. Once you find the right path, you must pass through the campsite to get to the beach. So far, entry for beach visitors (who are not camping) has been free, without many formalities at the entrance, but since this can change at any time, take this information with a grain of salt.

The entire campsite and beach are surrounded by a beautiful pine forest, so you will not miss the sounds of crickets and the scent of pine. There is a nice bar (Africa Bar) on the beach that also offers sunbeds. During the day, parties with DJs are organized here, mostly for the youngsters with a Greek folk music, but sometimes a foreign song is played, after which the atmosphere usually drops, so quickly DJ returning to familiar tunes.

On the left side of the beach, there is a small reef with a rich underwater world. So, if you love diving, head to this left side of the beach. The right side has a sandy bottom but a somewhat steeper entrance to the sea, so parents with children should pay special attention here.

Descriptions and photos of accommodations in Sarti can be viewed HERE.

Child accessibility: 80/100

Beach rating: 83/100

Parking: Plenty available

Tags: Platanitsi Beach, Platanitsi Beach Sithonia, Platanitsi Beach Sarti, Platanitsi Beach Chalkidiki, Platanitsi Sarti, Platanitsi Sithonia, Platanitsi Beach photos, Platanitsi Beach description, Platanitsi Beach experiences, Platanitsi Beach impressions, Platanitsi Beach information, Platanitsi Beach text, Platanitsi Beach parking, Platanitsi Beach with children, Platanitsi Beach kids, Platanitsi Beach for children, Platanitsi Beach camp, Platanitsi Beach camping, Platanitsi Beach bar, Platanitsi Beach sunbeds